Friday, December 23, 2011

Common Crescent Processing Company Complaints

It is unavoidable to hear some negative side regarding a business especially if its policies have been misunderstood. This is what has exactly happened to the Crescent Company. Thus it is easy to assume that they have been taken disadvantage of, even if they are not.

A Dell computer is given to every successful marketing applicant for the Crescent Processing Company. Salespeople know that it is an important device to effectively promote the business. It comes with a built in application that logs their transaction with promising business contacts.

This gives a much quicker way of dealing with other businesses electronically. Based on the protocol, interested sale agents pay 0 as a deposit before receiving their laptop. The laptop is essentially free, and the 0 is a sort of collateral for its use.

These marketers are required to use the provided laptop and use the built in application even if they already have another computer. It has been made clear from the start that a Crescent representative is forbidden from using their own electronic devices for presentations and documentations. The fee will be subtracted to the income that the agent might earn.

That may be the case but many are still in disbelief that it is not a fee for acquiring the said computer. Again, the 0 serves as a security deposit for the device and not considered as payment. When a salesperson ends his services with Crescent, the fee is returned to him.

One bone of contention for many are the list of prospective clients that are given to agents. Basically, they should be able to meet with these people. All the leads are valid appointments that should be confirmed twice and Crescent sets up the meeting between the agent and business owner.

Some claim that they didn't benefit from the copy of names and offices that Crescent has supplied them. However, what they don’t understand is that the leads are only a mere meet-up and that it is their responsibility as sales agents to market the product and sell it. It is up to the agent to effectively sell to his client and his success lies in his own performance.

This is an uncommon favor done by Crescent to their agents. In most common cases, the agents are responsible for the sourcing of their own clients. Crescent has been considerate enough to get these agents some of the obstacles out of the way to ensure their selling success.

It is unfair to accuse the company that they are pinching funds from businesses. When a company sells, or a consumer buys, it is the company's responsibility to verify if these are legitimate transactions. This is done through a verification process that can take quite some time.

If you have read all of the above, it is indeed quite easy to understand that the allegations made on the company are nothing but baseless notions. One can see now that the allegations hurled at the company are untrue. Thus, it is not always to assume that what we hear is the solid truth.

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